Thursday, May 11, 2017

Radial Symmetry (2nd Grade)

Discussing symmetry with 2nd grade and found these awesome radial symmetry printables online ( I ended up buying a pack of a bunch of different designs and I tried out the butterflies and umbrellas this week! The students loved seeing the designs come together to make bigger compositions and they look really colorful and pretty in the hallway!

Vocab: symmetry/symmetrical, radial symmetry, collaboration

Monday, May 8, 2017

Fish & Habitat (3rd Grade)

Did a quick drawing project with 3rd grade of some really cute, unique fish! I did a step-by-step demonstration of how to draw a simple fish and we learned about their anatomy and habitats (oceans, rivers, ponds, lakes, etc.). Students were encouraged to add other underwater animals and plants to their composition and to draw BIG!

Op Art Exercise (6th Grade)

Did a short exercise with my older students who did an Optical Design project earlier in the year. The process for this project is very simple, and most of the students were very successful. Some students started coloring their designs and they look awesome!

Ndebele Inspired Designs (5th Grade)

These beautiful symmetrical designs are inspired by the house painting of the Ndebele tribe. The class discussed the meaning behind the Ndebele house painting and how their designs are comprised of Geometric shapes and bright, bold colors. Then each student created their own symmetrical design! Some of these are unfinished, but I'm happy with how they're turned out, especially since this was my first attempt at teaching this lesson!

Vocab: symmetry/symmetrical, radial symmetry, geometric, organic, shape, line, color