Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Art Work Rules & Expectations

Be Respectful
  • Respect self 
  • Respect others
  • Respect materials
Be Resourceful
  • Be creative
  • Problem solve
  • Use your time wisely
Be Responsible
  • Take responsibility for your words and actions
  • Take pride in your work and work space
  • Do your best to complete assignments
Students are expected to follow these guidelines at all times! If a student breaks a rule, they will usually receive disciplinary action in the following order:

1. Verbal Warning
2. Time Out
3. Think Sheet (parent signature)
4. Parent Contact and/or Referral

Behaviors that will result in an immediate parent contact and/or office referral include but are not limited to:
  • Intentionally throwing or breaking art materials 
  • Ripping or damaging another student's artwork
  • Verbal or physical fights, arguments, or harassment 

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